Copy by Everett Pledger
Photos by Sofia Upton
The K-9 unit at the University of Arkansas consists of four amazing dogs, each of which bring their own unique set of skills to the team. The police dog unit is supervised by Sergeant Jeffrey D. Shetlar who handles K-9 Kane. There are four total in the unit: K-9 Kane, K-9 Charlie, K-9 Stella, and K-9 Rickie. “The K-9s are kind of a force multiplier, so they help us do our jobs,” said Shetlar. “They are either helping detect explosives or narcotics.” The dogs don’t just serve that purpose, “They also help us reach out to the students. I mean, they’re friendly… you may see me in the union and if a person just saw me, they wouldn’t approach me. They’ll approach me if I have the dog to see if they can pet the dog and then they may ask a question that they were just dying to ask.”
College students are often wary of police officers, as much of the world is, but the campus police are here to help. These dogs allow them to connect with the students. They even offer up free dog cuddles during exam weeks.
K-9 Rickie has a very serious job, especially considering that he “is the only dog in the state that is certified in detecting Fentanyl.” Because of this, “he is pretty much exclusively used by the DEA now.” Sergeant Shetlar believes that the most rewarding part of working with these dogs is “seeing the smile on people’s faces.” Luckily, U of A’s recent ensured safety allows him to focus those three dogs’ energy on the students. Everyone can benefit from a hug from a furry friend